My absolute favourite type of movies are **Horror Comedies** (and/or Comedy Horrors), and I’ve spent the last few years obsessively looking for movies in this genre.

In this first post, I will talk about my 5 personal favourites across the entire genre; the next posts will cover one or more of the many sub-genres I’ve identified in my list of 33 movies (Slashers, Secluded retreats, Alien invasions, Zombies, etc.), until I’ve covered all 33.

***Disclaimer*** – I enjoy watching these movies as I find them very entertaining, but I’m not saying that they are all works of art. Some of these lean more towards comedy, and others lean more towards horror. Also, a few movies included could be classified more as Action Comedies or Thriller Comedies, but they evoke the same type of emotions as Horror Comedies. To be clear, the word comedy does not imply “spoof” or “parody”.

**Personal faves:**

[School’s Out Forever]( (2021) – Post apocalyptic survival – A student is expelled from a private boarding school, only to return when a mysterious illness starts killing off a majority of the population.

There are some aspects of comedy throughout, but it gets really heavy and explores the impact of the situation on the remaining schoolkids and teachers. In a strange way, it reminds me of Lord of the Flies. It flew under the radar when it was released because of the pandemic, which mirrored the challenges faced in the movie.

[Grabbers ]( – Alien invasion – When an island off the coast of Ireland is invaded by bloodsucking aliens, the heroes discover that >!getting drunk!< is the only way to survive.

That description alone should be enough to inspire people to watch it. Full of laughs, great dialogue and (mostly) likeable characters. The aliens were also very well done for a movie with a £4m budget.

[Get Duked!]( (2019) – Slasher – Three teenage miscreants are given one last chance to turn their lives around by completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award trek across the highlands. Along for ride is one little overachiever who is in this for the opportunity to pad his CV. However, they are stalked by wealthy aristocrats who intend to hunt and kill them for sport.

The movies is quirky in the best of ways, and movie combines the soundtrack in to the story and visuals a lot more than your average horror comedy. However, it wasn’t all laughs, with some great unexpected twists and scenes that had me on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen to the characters.

[Summer of 84]( (2018) – 80s Nostalgia Thriller – After suspecting that their police officer neighbor is a serial killer, a group of teenage friends spend their summer spying on him and gathering evidence, but as they get closer to discovering the truth, things get dangerous.

This is probably the closest to a true horror movie in this list, but there are still some laughs. The casting feels spot on, the characters are all pretty believable, and who doesn’t like some 80’s nostalgia. Full of twists and turns, and although there are some questionable decisions made by the main characters, the movie is very entertaining and the pacing is spot on.

[Detention ]( – Slasher – As a copycat killer named after movie villain “Cinderhella” stalks the student body at Grizzly Lake High School, a group of co-eds band together to survive while serving detention.

I know it sounds like another derivative high school slasher movie, but it most certainly IS NOT. First of all, time-travel. Secondly, did I mention time-travel? This one probably divides opinions the most out of anything listed here, but I think it’s pretty much genius. I’ve heard it described as “Everything Everywhere All at Once” combined with a slasher movie, but I’m not sure if that’s accurate because I’ve never seen EEAaO (I was busy finding horror comedies).

Edit: u/spideroger – your kind comment yesterday about my movie taste inspired me to post this!

by IWishIWasAHorseMan

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