TV Ratings: Biden-Trump Debate Draws 48M Viewers, Way Below 2020 (73M Viewers)

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. MaskedBandit77 on

    I bet the timing is a big part of it. This debate was so early, neither of them are even officially nominated yet.

  2. I’m gonna vote for who I’m gonna vote for. I don’t want to poison myself by watching this BS. If they give us people who aren’t ancient or evil or both next time to choose from I’ll check back in.

  3. We need as many democrats as possible to not watch that debate. Biden did horrible, and made me embarrassed to be a democrat.

    Edit: don’t know why the dislikes. CNN, a liberal leaning news org, tallied a 67-33 split in favor of trump winning the debate. Believe me, I wanted Biden to do better, but the facts are that he didn’t. He was incoherent and distant, often going on barely coherent tangents. It was the worst debate I’ve ever seen for a democrat frankly.

  4. Just because Trump didn’t stutter doesn’t mean he wasn’t rambling on about nonsense. They kept having to ask him the same question over and over because he would immediately go off the rails.

    Neither candidate should be running for president but hopefully there is enough voters that can see through Trump’s relentless fear mongering and blatant lies.

  5. itsl8erthanyouthink on

    Phillys were playing during the debate. Of the folks not outside during a beautiful evening in the north east, the ones that were watching TV, we’re likely watching the game

  6. reallyneedhelp1212 on

    Very embarrassingly for CNN, more people watched the debate on Fox News than on CNN. Just another nail in the coffin of this dying channel.

    Fox News: 8.82 million

    CNN: 8.75 million

    ABC: 8.70 million

    NBC: 5.17 million

    CBS: 4.81 million

    MSNBC: 3.94 million

    FOX: 3.48 million

    Fox Business: 372,000

    HLN: 251,000

    CNN Espanol: 46,000

  7. I feel an important piece of context is that like 25% fewer people have cable then did in 2020, which accounts for 18 million fewer viewers even if the interest in the debates was identical. People are also able to do out and do things at this time, which is a change from 2020. Now having said that, there is clearly less interest in the presidential debates than there were 4 years ago. 

  8. **Presidential debates in the 60’s:**

    “We can no longer afford to be second best. I want people all over the world to look to the United States again, to feel that we’re on the move, to feel that our high noon is in the future”

    **Presidential debates in 2024:**

    “You had sex with a pornstar”

    “I did not have sex with a pornstar”

  9. Swantonbombthreat on

    they didn’t give biden enough stimulants. he needs certified biker crank or something. i find it hard to believe that with all the federal agencies that answer to him that he couldn’t source high end biker crank from the west coast. his administration better come correct the next round. the guy is half in the grave he needs the extra boost if he’s gonna speak in public for an hour and a half.

  10. I hope ABC panics and adds RFK Jr just to add to the fun of the next “debate”

    What a laughable joke this country is.

  11. Everyone has already decided, unless you’re a genuinely stupid person.

    I’d literally vote for Biden in a vegetative coma over Trump. If he passes away day one, there’s a VP and whole team of people who can run this country a hell of a lot better than Trump and his Proud Boys. I don’t need to see a debate.

  12. theseustheminotaur on

    The most shocking thing to me about the debate was there are people who are still undecided about the whole thing. Like, who are these people who are old enough to vote but somehow born yesterday?

  13. I just can’t imagine who is not decided in the 2024 election. first of all, it’s a rematch of 2024. Second, both candidates have deep flaws. Third, one has real love him or hate him vibe, there aren’t a lot of middle ground people on Trump. So it makes sense that people are just ignoring the debates. The vast majority of those who did watch almost certainly had their minds made up before it started

  14. PeteNoKnownLastName on

    Can’t believe there are 48M people who felt they needed to see this

  15. The two-party system in American politics SUCKS. Republicans have become increasingly authoritative and cult like. The Democrats have popular ideas and policies, but their leadership is elitist and not keeping up with the times. They desperately need younger leadership.

    Any other Democratic candidate would have called out Trump’s lies about the 2020 election, his dereliction of duty on January 6th, stealing classified documents, botched pandemic response, etc. Instead, the world and American voters saw a frail, weak, and unsure President incapable of making the case that he’s still a viable option for the highest office in the land.

    The Dems must choose a youthful and energetic candidate to drive voters turnout this November. Joe Biden needs to drop out gracefully ASAP.

    God help us.

  16. Probably makes it worse for Biden since all people are going to see is that clip of him blanking out instead of the rest of the debate where he did better

  17. Confident_Pen_919 on

    I dont know how people were able to sit through that whole thing. Two expired old farts rambling and barely making sense

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