I remember when I was a kid,I had a crush on both Amanda Kimmel and Jenna Morasca from Survivor cause my dad likes the show so I’d watch it with him some times. What’s kinda funny is hearing about people’s crushes and then getting weirded out by them years later (Nicki Minaj,Johnny Depp). I’m wondering who was your celeb crush in your youth,do you still have one on them or are you embarrassed by it?

by Creative_Beyond_8085


  1. TheMudbloodSlytherin on

    Matthew Lillard and Skeet Ulrich. Both aged like fine wine. Still a crush and always will be.

  2. portraitoffire on

    naya rivera as santana was my gay awakening. 🥹🩷 she was so talented and so beautiful. she also advocated for santana’s arc as a lesbian to be taken more seriously by the writers on glee. she was always a great ally to the lgbt community. may she rest in peace.

    i also had a huge crush on jessica lange the first time i watched ahs. she was so great in the first four seasons and it made me explore her filmography as an actress. one of the best and one the most beautiful actresses as well.

  3. Beesareourcousins on

    Geena Davis, I would rewatch Beetlejuice and The Fly just to look at her. No wonder my parents knew I was fruity 😅


  4. ![gif](giphy|dqEsNwims5uG4)

    Nothing could get between me and my Scholastic Bookfair Leonardo DiCaprio factoid book back in 1998. *Nothing*.

  5. Far-Consequence7890 on


    Not to mention Katie McGrath as *Lena Luthor*. She was my bi awakening when I didn’t even realise girls could like girls

  6. Abject-Variety3775 on

    I am showing my age here but Diane Lane in *Streets of Fire.* Ridiculously hot.

  7. a-real-life-dolphin on


    Specifically Zac. Who turned out to be a gross maga gun guy 😞

  8. squirrelsandcocaine2 on


    Wentworth Miller in prison break

  9. StarWars_and_SNL on

    I’ll be deleting this highly personal comment eventually, but it was weird seeing my old high school varsity volleyball teammate on here (Jenna).

  10. watchworldburn1111 on

    I used to write “Mrs Joe Jonas <3” on my pencil cases in school 😭😭 that has NOT aged well

  11. alltheworsttoyou on

    Love & Basketball was on repeat because I was in love with Sanaa Lathan.


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