In 1978, 20th Century Fox sued Universal claiming that ‘Battlestar Galactica’ infringed on ‘Star Wars’. Universal countersued, alleging that ‘Star Wars’ stole from their 1972 Bruce Dern film, ‘Silent Running.’

by Tryingagain1979


  1. Electronic_Slide_236 on

    I can only imagine whoever thought this was a good idea never saw Silent Running.

    I don’t think either would win, but one would get laughed out of court.

  2. Tryingagain1979 on

    Similarities Between Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica:

    * **A friendly robot that helps the protagonists:**
    * Star Wars: C-3PO and R2-D2
    * Battlestar Galactica: Muffit
    * **A heroine imprisoned by totalitarian forces:**
    * Star Wars: Princess Leia
    * Battlestar Galactica: Various female characters (e.g., Athena, Cassiopeia)
    * **Spaceships that are made to look old despite traveling the stars**
    * Star Wars: Millennium Falcon
    * Battlestar Galactica: Colonial Fleet ships
    * **The destruction of an entire planet, central to the existence of the democratic forces:**
    * Star Wars: Alderaan
    * Battlestar Galactica: The Twelve Colonies of Kobol
    * **A conflict between democratic and totalitarian forces:**
    * Star Wars: Rebel Alliance vs. Galactic Empire
    * Battlestar Galactica: Colonial Fleet vs. Cylons
    * **A climax that features democratic fighter pilots targeting totalitarian headquarters:**
    * Star Wars: Attack on the Death Star
    * Battlestar Galactica: Attacks on various Cylon bases

    These similarities led to 20th Century Fox suing Universal Studios, claiming “Battlestar Galactica” was a ripoff of “Star Wars.” However, Universal countersued, claiming that “Star Wars” had actually borrowed elements from their earlier film, “Silent Running.”

  3. typewriter6986 on

    Or Star Wars and Kurosawa’s Hidden Fortress. But I don’t think Kurosawa sued on that one like he did with Leone and A Fist Full of Dollars.

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