Justin Timberlake jokingly nods to DWI arrest during world tour: “Is there anyone here tonight that is driving and … no, I’m just kidding”

by Relevant-Peach3997


  1. velvethippo420 on

    “haha! it’s funny because i could have killed someone.”

    i would have more sympathy if he just said “look, I’m going through a rough time, I made a huge mistake and I’ll never do it again.” people make mistakes. but you have to acknowledge your mistakes when you make them, and try to do better in the future.

  2. Aggressive_Layer883 on

    “Timberlake’s brief one-liner prompted an uproar of laughter and applause in the nearly 20,000-capacity arena”

    A crowd from boston cheering on drunk driving. I, for one, am shocked.

  3. Additional_Score_929 on

    Instead of taking accountability, he turns it into a joke. Real classy.

  4. GeetarEnthusiast85 on

    LOL, I did something that could have seriously injured myself or someone else. Isn’t that just LOL?

  5. sundayontheluna on

    Dude, just riff on the ‘this is gonna ruin the tour’ meme if you’re that desperate to be cool. It’d be less distasteful

  6. pushingpetunias on

    justin…could have killed someone but he is trying to make a joke out of it…

  7. SourLoafBaltimore on

    Jessica about to seriously take out the trash. She’s put up with his shit show for too long.

  8. Always so “fun” on his shows, like throwing shots at Britney after his social media PR apology. It’s like he can never admit fault or take responsibility for his mistakes.

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