25 Years Later, Wild Wild West Is Way Weirder Than You Remember.

by Hurdy_Gurdy_Man_84


  1. ColdPressedSteak on

    I’ve seen some revisionist history takes saying it was actually a good movie. Complete bs lol. Simply a bad movie that had a few fun it’s bad so it’s good parts. Only made money because Will was a global superstar by that point. Even Will himself considers it one of his biggest failures

  2. SnakePlissken1980 on

    I was so tired of the music video that by the time it came out I wanted to have nothing to do with it.

  3. dodgycool_1973 on

    Well I’m a bad ass cowboy living in the cowboy days, wicky wicky scratch yo yo bang bang.

    Me and Artemis Clyde frog go and save Selma Heyak from the big metal spider…

    South Park destroyed that film in just two lines of a song.

  4. thespianomaly on

    I love this movie so much. It’s my favorite bad movie. These late 90s/early Aughts action-adventure films with bad CGI and even worse writing are some of my best guilty pleasure movies. I’m also a fan of “Van Helsing” and “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.”

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