First Images of Paul Mescal and Pedro Pascal in Ridley Scott’s ‘Gladiator 2’

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. Comic_Book_Reader on

    Well, this was a friendly reminder for a note to self: Next time Gladiator is on TV, watch it… because I haven’t watched that movie yet!

  2. Poliwrath68 on

    That last picture goes hard.

    This is looking great so far. Hopefully they pull it off.

  3. Dangerous-Hawk16 on

    I’m sold I can’t wait for this film, I remember ppl at cinemacon saying the trailer had No Church in the wild as the needle drop. Hopefully that’s the same trailer they release to the public

  4. The costumes are amazing. Wasn’t genuinely hyped about it, but with this pics… I’m sold! 🤩

  5. beyondimaginarium on

    I feel like this would do better if they dropped the “2” and just called it a remake/reboot

  6. Odd_Advance_6438 on

    I’m psyched for this. Apparently there are scenes of them fighting sharks and man eating monkeys

  7. DarthDragonborn1995 on

    Ok seriously they need to fucking stop putting Pedro pascal in everything.

  8. That medusa design is awesome. Still very sceptical overall but hopefully Ridley found the same gear he was in for The Last Duel when making this.

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