Hellboy: The Crooked Man | Official Teaser

by mattbozle


  1. I didn’t really like the Del Toro ones much (he’s just not my style) so this might be the most interested I’ve been in one of these. A true comic hero horror could be something really unique.

  2. Every Hellboy movie after The Golden Army is one giant middle finger to both Del Toro and Perlman.

  3. I don’t know man. This looks good. I don’t get all the hate this teaser is getting. This movie might be the more accurate portrayal of the comics with Mike Mignola actually doing the writing for it.

    I am just really excited for this. Not just because of Mike Mignola writing it, but the aesthetics. I am a fan of the Old Gods of Appalachia podcast and books like The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher. I really hope this scratches that itch.

  4. Looks low budget to me. Hard to tell from this teaser but hoping Hell Boy is more charismatic that what’s portrayed here. Ron Perlman and David Harbor just brought so much charisma to the role.

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