Kevin Costner’s ‘Horizon’ Box Office Boondoggle: ‘Yellowstone’ Fans Are (Largely) a No Show – Costner’s ambitious Western could barely break out of the barn in its North American debut, and yet there’s already a sequel set for release in August (with a third resuming production that month, too).

by chanma50


  1. nicolasb51942003 on

    Who would want to purchase a ticket to a 3 hour long movie that has no closure and is required to watch three more films?

  2. there’s just no juice for this movie – it’s really hard to get an audience for a 3 hour Western with mediocre reviews

  3. Educational_Slice897 on

    At this rate part 3 and 4 aren’t even gonna happen, and like is part 2 even gonna get a full theatrical release???

  4. periphery72271 on

    Kevin keeps trying to catch that Dances with Wolves thunder.

    Everytime he gets enough juice in Hollywood, he trots out another ‘epic’ featuring himself that promptly rolls over and dies at the box office.

    Waterworld. The Postman. Open Range.

    And now that his hubris is again at its height, here comes another set of costly flops that will quiet him down again.

    It’s just the cycle of his career. He is exactly the actor he thinks he is, but isn’t anywhere near the producer writer or director he imagines himself to be.

  5. thanos_was_right_69 on

    My mom (a boomer) told me she wants to see the movie but only when it comes out on streaming. She doesn’t like going to the theaters

  6. elmatador12 on

    I’m no publicist but maybe officially announcing he’s not coming back to Yellowstone days before release of his epic western opus, ideal for the Yellowstone audience, wasn’t the best move.

  7. crystal_clear24 on

    My mom loves Kevin Costner but even she is not too crazy about this. We saw the first one this afternoon and presale tickets are on sale for the second film and she said not to bother buying them 😬

  8. Shrimp_Lobster_Crab on

    It’s doing the same as Open Range. It’ll be fine. People are overreacting, as usual, just for clicks.

  9. magikarpcatcher on

    Costner could have stayed on Yellowstone and kept earning $1.3M an episode for a couple more seasons and avoided this embarrassment.

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