Paramount is hunting for a streaming partner with Warner Bros. Discovery reportedly expressing interest in merging Max and Paramount+ as a joint venture | CNBC

by HumanAdhesiveness912


  1. KingMario05 on

    Hmm, I dunno. I feel like Apple TV or Amazon would be a better partner than Tax Write Offs, Incorpor… er, Max, but they may not be interested.

  2. InternationalEnd5816 on

    “Sinking ship A and sinking ship B consider merging their streaming services”

  3. TheIngloriousBIG on

    WBD and Paramount merging into one entity remains an option, right? Zaslav said he was looking closely…

  4. Make sense although that’s not gonna bring much cost saving seeing how deep in red P+ is. Selling some of their linear channels is where the money is.

  5. ContinuumGuy on

    Hey, remember when Hulu was originally a combination of a few different companies but then almost all of them left to make their own thing until now Hulu is essentially just “Disney+’s adult section with some non-Disney stuff licensed in”?

    Congratulations, Hollywood, you are re-creating early Hulu.

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