In 1980’s ‘The Long Riders,’ four sets of real-life brothers played the outlaw brothers. The only actor brothers to have a falling out since are Dennis and Randy Quaid, who portrayed the only siblings in the film who have a falling out.

by Tryingagain1979


  1. AdmiralAkbar1 on

    For those trying to make sense of the alphabet soup title:

    *The Long Riders* is about an outlaw gang comprised of four pairs of brothers; each pair was played by actors who were real-life brothers too. Dennis & Randy Quaid were cast as the Miller brothers. In the film, the Miller brothers are the only pair who have a falling-out. The Quaid brothers would later have a real-life falling-out.

  2. maitlandish on

    Just looked up this movie to see who played the other brothers and found out that Kill Bill and the main Nerd from Revenge of the Nerds are half brothers.

  3. It’s a very good film if anyone’s interested. Violent but pulls no punches about the people involved or the “glamour” of the old west. Also one of the first films to utilise slow motion for the action scenes (although Bonnie and Clyde, cross of iron and wild bunch used it to great effect, it was used in all the shootout scenes where there’s movement)

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