Jackpot! – Official Trailer | Prime Video

by KillerCroc1234567


  1. Snuggle__Monster on

    Like the cast, like the concept but Paul Feig is seriously up and down with his stuff. Never helps when the trailer shows you practically the entire movie.

  2. It looks like the kind of thing you watch on Netflix when you can’t find anything else you like and am too lazy to use the search screen.

  3. TussalDimon on

    Look pretty fun, to be honest. I will check it out.

    Seem to be actually has jokes and gags written, like The Heat or Spy, and not like Ghostbusters, which was non stop ad-libbing.

  4. greenpill98 on

    Man, this is a great premise. But historically speaking, I don’t like John Cena, Awkwafina or Paul Feig movies. But I DO love “Holding out for a Hero” but Bonnie Tyler. I don’t know about this one.

  5. What kind of insane dirt does Awkwafina have on the Hollywood big wigs? I can think of no other reason why she keeps getting roles in movies despite nobody liking her.

  6. BartCartDartE-art on

    Maybe it’s the way they edited the trailer, but I don’t get why she’s confused about the lottery. You see the lottery advertising on a billboard/screen, she has a lottery ticket in her pocket and she seems confused by it. Then after it’s established she won, she still seems confused as to why she’s being attacked. I guess maybe they’ll explain *that* in the movie, but it seems weird that she’s so confused over an already established in-world thing.

  7. BusinessPurge on

    I wonder if making movie tickets into a gambling experience would increase ticket sales…

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