Joe Biden To Sit Down With ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos For First Post-Debate TV Interview (Airs Sunday July 7th)

by NoCulture3505


  1. It *totally* won’t be pre-rehearsed included with softball questions and edited to leave out any unfavorable parts….

  2. Zombie_Jesus_83 on

    I feel like this is going to backfire. Dragging Biden through more and more interviews and increasing exposure may not have the desired effect.

    We shouldn’t have to be having interviews to be like, “See! The President is NOT a walking corpse! He’s sitting down and doing an interview!”

  3. yosarian_reddit on

    The toothpaste isn’t going back in the tube. No amount of carefully edited softball interviews can undo what we all saw.

  4. I feel like the Stephanopoulos pick is just to agitate Trump…and I support that

  5. Please give him some of those performance enhancing drugs Trump was accusing him of taking

  6. King_Allant on

    It barely matters how he looks in a scripted interview because now everyone knows how it looks when it’s not scripted.

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