Exclusive: Neil Gaiman accused of sexual assault

by RegulationBastard


  1. Coconut_Rice_Bear on

    No wonder I’ve always gotten bad vibes from him, for some reason he came across as sleazy and just…off. idk. I’ve never gotten the adoration for him because if there’s anything I’ve learned in these subreddits, it’s always the ones you least expect who have skeletons in their closet.

  2. Kate4everBae on

    assaults his kids nanny who is like 21 within hours of meeting her and he claims they cuddled…wtf.

  3. Oh no. I wonder how Tori Amos will respond to this. They’ve been close friends for decades and she’s a huge advocate for RAINN.

  4. myromancealt on

    Why is the author repeatedly mentioning that they were in a consensual relationship – including saying that in the subtitle – and then burying the clarification that the acts weren’t consented to even if ongoing consent was assumed by him.

    Like why not say that right away and emphasize the lack of consent for the acts? Why keep emphasizing a consensual sexual relationship when the article is meant to be about assault?

    This reads gross, and not just because of what Neil is accused of.

  5. Enticing_Venom on

    I thought The Sandman did such an excellent job of portraying how someone who sees himself as “a good guy” will still resort to sexual violence and be able to rationalize it. And why he’s nor actually a “good guy” at all.

    Then the author has to go and do this? Come on.

  6. I worked as an assistant for an author who was close friends with Neil and this is very consistent with the anecdotes I’ve heard about him…

  7. abithecarrot on

    Ugh, I actually liked his work as well

    This sucks, Majorly.

    I hope both women are doing okay, though

  8. raphaellaskies on

    Explains the mid-pandemic flight from New Zealand. He was LITERALLY on the run from the cops.

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