Antony Starr had bullied Dominique McElligott on the sets of the Boys : crew member of the show

by bluepheonix7


  1. SingStreet55 on

    Unfortunately, he gets this reputation for being so nice and so opposite of Homelander. But no, he’s just like him. That’s why his smile is so creepy.

  2. Blinkopopadop on

    I got massively downvoted on the pop culture subreddit for saying that they cast homelander as homelander, and backing it up with receipts of him trying to use his power against someone younger and weaker than him who was in a service position and asking him to leave the bar–

    people chimed in and tried to correct me that it was just a bar fight, as if it’s not a normal thing for an employee of the bar to ask people to clear out at last call– people don’t normally punch and glass people ​ and send them to the hospital and ask “don’t you know who I am?” to that guy making last call ( unless they’re a a self entitled abuser. )


  3. I remember seeing a reel (?) – the actors were asked who is most like their character. I think almost all said Anthony/Homelander. Not surprising.

  4. LeotiaBlood on

    This tracks. The cast seems pretty tight knit, but he’s not as present in their social media posts.

    I would also like tea on what when down between him and Erin Moriarty.

  5. somehow confused with martin starr in my head and was like…really??


  6. geminivalley on

    I’m missing Dominique McElligott so MUCH. I loved Maeve. This is sad!

  7. SloanHarper on

    Lol i swear a few weeks ago he told everyone he would get annoyed when eveyone thought he was just like homelander in real life… Turns out he really is!

  8. KingShadowSloth on

    Boys being in the mainstream again got to make sure we drag one of the headliners with anonymous accusations.

  9. I listened to a podcast that was saying he actively ignores director notes and whatnot and it was said it’s because he knows the character so well. I was shocked to hear that. People who refuse to take notes or are disrespectful of directors tend to be nightmares to work with. It’s the people who are open to feedback and take it with ease who tend to be the best.

    Now, I’m not saying he doesn’t do a good job with the character. Clearly he does. I’m saying there is a reason people choose to work together on project after project, and I doubt anyone on that set will choose to work with him again based on that info. Add in the other stuff about him regarding his temper and I am betting when the show ends a whole lot of stuff will come out

  10. AggravatingTie6370 on

    his gf was posting some weird conservative shit the other day too

  11. donttrustthellamas on

    It’s funny how there weren’t any professional repercussions for his assault on that chef in Spain. It was barely in the news even though he was the breakout star of The Boys.

    Unfortunately, he’s just so good at playing Homelander, and it’s obvious he was needed until the last season – so he’d never have been written off/replaced.

    What a loser. I hope his character gets a humiliating death and he’s never in another successful project.

  12. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    So is this person/people the new Deuxmoi? How many new anonymous tea instagram pages are out there?

  13. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on

    This is so disappointing to hear. I loved her acting as Queen Maeve and sad to see her leave. Truthfully I haven’t followed any of the cast outside of the show, but I wonder if this will be addressed by anyone from set.

  14. Ill_Resolution_222 on

    It was kinda obvious when the actors said that he is the one who is most like their character. In every interview he seems standoffish whereas the rest of the cast is more close.

  15. even though people keep recommending it to me, something about this show was off-putting to me. glad my gut was right.

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