‘Outer Range’ Canceled By Amazon After 2 Seasons

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. Reggie_Impersonator on

    This is the most devastating news of my day, and that’s saying something because I got fired this morning for playing the video game “Pokemon Red” in the break room when I was supposed to be working. (Boss said, “You’re playing Pokemon Red, but I’m *seeing* red. You get me? *Turn that off*!”)

    I honestly felt so at home on the “Range.”

  2. stealingreposts on

    It’s its own fault for being so needlessly boring 94% of the time. Slow burning and avoiding the interesting stuff to extort the audience to keep watching in case something cool finally happens is getting so annoying, same as the first 2 episodes of Dark Matter.

  3. Season one was actually pretty good, but it had a very satisfying ending and I never thought “oh this should be a multi season series”. When I heard there was a season 2 I never even considered watching it, I felt like I had enough already. I can’t say this news is especially surprising.

  4. Surprisingly I’m not hurt by this. I liked the show a lot but for some reason I’m just like “oh well”.

  5. TheLastDesperado on


    I guess I should stop getting invested in these sci-fi mystery shows because they always get cancelled before the mysteries can be resolved.

  6. I liked this show a lot but it really needed to pick a genre and stick to it. The music/musical bits were intrusive and there were too many characters.

  7. Plastic_Cod7816 on

    I should really be used to this; it is Amazon…but fuck they always do this to the good shows.

    They’re worse than fox.

  8. S2 was a disappointment. They dropped the ball & never picked it back up.

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