Just got done binge watching Clipped on FX about the Sterling scandal, and was surprised how V pretty much just disappeared off the face of the earth? She seemed to have always wanted to become a part of the rich and famous circle. I do think she had the personality to do so, especially in this day and age with social media, so how come she just disappeared?

My theories are that either Donald Sterling paid her a lot of money to disappear/lay low OR she’s staying out of the spotlight for the sake of her adoptive children (which I hope is the case) – what are your theories? Does anyone have any tea ☕️on her?

by Connect_Manner_5121


  1. AlternativeSlice2001 on

    All I know about her after what she did is that she had to pay back and give back all the gifts he gave her.

  2. FrostedWikiLeaks on

    What exactly would she be in the news for? She might have done a little reality tv, but she was never going to stay in the pop culture eye for a decade. She wasn’t even good at her job

  3. She probably thought she could leverage her moment of fame into more but I’m guessing she didn’t have the foresight to realize that if your actions cause a billionaire and his wife to lose their NBA team, publicity trash their reputation and drag them through a huge scandal, you probably discover they they still have a lot of friends in high places who will close those doors in your face. (Tldr; ESH)

  4. TechnologyMother1529 on

    Donald Sterling & wife reconciled. V is out of public eye . Doc Rivers new coaching job.

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