Paris Court Rejects Takedown Request For Netflix Shark Thriller ‘Under Paris’ As Director Pushes On With “Parasitism” Case

by Sisiwakanamaru

1 Comment

  1. SillyGoatGruff on

    ““The Court decided that the summons should have been directed against the company Netflix International BV located in the Netherlands and not Netflix France, located in Paris,” they wrote in a press statement released on Thursday.

    “This decision seems legally questionable to us. Subpoenaing a foreign company requires having the procedural documents translated into the language of the country where said company is located, in this case in Dutch.

    “This process requires time and, above all, a lot of money… We question the message sent by this decision… Don’t auteurs, already fragile in the face of audiovisual producers and financiers, find themselves simply helpless in the face of the disproportionate power of a foreign platform.”

    So they did their paperwork wrong and then question the decision on the basis that doing it right is *hard*?

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