Ellen DeGeneres abruptly cancels shows on her comedy tour

by laterdude


  1. She had her time and made a ton of money so why is she coming back? I guess it’s an apology tour!

  2. RetardedChimpanzee on

    Tickets were too expensive, no one bought them, and no she’ll play victim.

  3. Show cancellations are usually due to a lack of ticket sales. She can spin it however she wants but more than likely people in those markets don’t want to pay to see her anymore. She has no one to blame but herself.

  4. I went to her show in a few days ago, it’s not like the Ellen show. When she’s by herself, she’s. It actually funny. Also, no big giveaways which was a highlight of her TV show.

    Also, had to lock my phone away because they were filming it for a Netflix special.

    Don’t worry, she’s not going broke, she’s getting that Netflix money

  5. ExtraAgressiveHugger on

    She was coming to AT&T stadium which is where the cowboys play. Taylor swift can sold out that arena but Ellen isn’t making a dent. She should have picked dickies area which is round 14k people and still respectable. Paul McCartney has played there. Chris Brown (puke) has sold out 2-3 shows in a row. Ellen’s ego is too big if she thinks she’s selling out a stadium that fits 90k people. 

  6. I remember watching her comedy specials 20 years ago and they were actually pretty funny. I watched some comedy special on Netflix a few years ago and she was so out of touch that I don’t think I laughed once. She figured just being on stage was enough for people.

  7. bognostrocleetus on

    Her last show was seemingly mostly her bragging about being a rich asshole? So why would I want to see another one?

  8. Upbeat_Farm_5442 on

    Nobody wants to deal with her. Go to Florida join republican and enjoy your retirement

  9. Ellen baffles me, man. I guess if you’re just a crazy narcissist to begin with it makes sense but she had everything lined up to essentially be the next Oprah in terms of being a beloved American talk show figure and just pissed it all away by being a complete asshole. It’s wild.

  10. Maleficent-Toe6159 on

    I have the same amount of interest in seeing her live/at all as she has funny punchlines

  11. TennisBallTesticles on

    Her and JLo should team up to do a “comeback” tour, the comedy would write itself

  12. randomredditing on

    I used to date a girl who worked in a boutique shop in Montecito, Santa Barbara: where Ellen lives.

    This was years before her career got tanked but Ellen and Portia would come in to the shop and said girl would always tell me how nice Portia was; very friendly and courteous with staff, jovial and gracious.

    The extract words she said about Ellen, and it’s stuck with me after all these years, were “she looks at us like we’re venomous insects.”

    I took that with a grain of salt at the time, since I’d seen the Ellen Show but since then.. she was absolutely telling the truth.

  13. VengeanceUnicorn on

    Damn it not the tour that I just learned about, wherever shall Ellen get the adulation she requires to molt?

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