Nicola Coughlan has now raised $2 million for Palestine through the Palestine Crisis Relief Fund (PCRF)πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ΈπŸ‰πŸ’–

by Glum-Barracuda6985


  1. Kidgorgeoushere on

    Good for her. Just shows how much power and influence celebrities can wield, and what a difference it makes when it’s used correctly.

  2. New-Strategy8824 on

    A true queen! Thank you Nicola for speaking out when most of the industry remains silent. And thank you for your genuine humanity. FREE PALESTINE πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ΈπŸ‰

  3. -tsuyoi_hikari- on

    Thats amazing! She used her influence the right way — very inspirational.

  4. icestormsea on

    Love her! Just shows how much of an impact a bunch of celebs having the guts to do the same could make. She’s just one person with some influence!

  5. Jennieeffin12 on

    STUNNING photo of a true queen. I really wish I could pull off a turtleneck.

    So proud of her for sticking to her guns when other celebs have shrunk away from this issue

  6. Sometimesomwhere on

    I like her a lot. She comes across as a nice in interviews and does nice things. She’s also a great actress ❀️

  7. crystal_clear24 on

    Oh wow, this is great! I’ll be sure to donate and support her future projects.

  8. petra_vonkant on

    Love her. Wish there were more celebs like her, using their platform for good. We’ve seen how dangerous it unfortunately is for famous people to say β€˜genocide bad’ and it’s great she’s doing this at her peak momentum, respect

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