by Relevant-Peach3997


  1. theagonyaunt on

    I guess this is all part of the promotion cycle for her new movie but honestly the last thing we need is to hear from nepo babies about how being a nepo baby hurt their career, not helped it, when we all know that’s (largely) patently untrue.


  2. I imagine you’ve lost jobs because you’re abusive, harassed and bullied your trans co-star on set, and have a giant reputation for being rude and hard to work with but yeah, blame your auntie for not getting jobs.

  3. VineStellar on

    Aside from being the subject of several AHS/Scream Queen memes and abusing Evan Peters, I can’t think of a single thing this person has done. Apparently the blinds about her are WILD.

  4. If anything has hurt her career it’s the fact that she’s a domestic abuser. May she fade into obscurity, where she belongs (well, the only place she belongs that I can say without violating guidelines).

  5. ![gif](giphy|26gsmVTT1gYtoeaic|downsized)

    Why are you lying, Emma? We all know you ain’t get those roles because you can act!!! I’ve never been a huge fan of hers (she’s always struck me as being mean and difficult to work with), but all these interview tidbits that are coming out and making her more unlikeable.

  6. Comfortable-Load-904 on


    Really? This woman really lacks self awareness.For a nepo baby with no discernible talent she talks a lot of crap. She should be grateful she shares a name with her world famous aunt and wildly talented if self destructive father because she obviously doesn’t possess any of their acting skills.

  7. JohnnyBananasFoster on

    In addition to what everyone’s already mentioned she also probably loses jobs because she can’t act her way out of a paper bag

  8. nottooday69 on

    I was introduced to Emma when I was a kid watching Unfabulous and she was the main character. I was under 10 and I would make comments to myself about her being a terrible actress BACK THEN BACK THEN EMMA! You were the worst one out of all of those kids and if that show isn’t proof enough of your nepotism then we need to start questioning if 2+2 really equals four…

  9. Federal_Street_8895 on

    LOL I’ve seen a lot of defensively bad takes from nepo babies but reverse nepo baby discrimination is a new low 😂😂

  10. am_lostintranslation on

    Yes I’m sure it was her amazing and versatile acting ability displayed in her roles of playing a bratty teenager

  11. Critical_Product6933 on

    She previously raised a very valid point about people only picking on female nepo babies and not giving men who are nepo babies as much as shit. I was happy she pointed that out and then she turns around and says something like this …

  12. ScientistFit9929 on

    She really doesn’t understand what the other side of the conversation is. Nobody is debating she is talented, but saying entertainment people didn’t cared about her name when she started is crazy. I wish more nepo babies looked up to Jamie Lee Curtis. She owns it and also knows she would never be where she is if she wasn’t so talented.

  13. Odd-Picture5321 on

    The copium and mental gymnastics these nepo babies engage in is laughable. Notice how nepo babies takes typically never align with reality. ER can disrespectfully fuck off.

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