Pictures of the Olsen twins lighting a heater and taking a drag is surprisingly soothing. I haven’t seen any recent photos of the Twins partaking in their poisonous pastime…wondering the they quit now that Ashley is a mama? Feeling nostalgic.

by ashleycat720


  1. pushin_on_my_buttons on

    For some reason they always manage to make me feel sad for them whenever I see them smoke.

    I don’t know why tbh. It’s just that they make think “you’re so sad”

  2. throw_blanket04 on

    Thought that first pic was ozzy. They probably won’t quit. Helps keep you thin.

  3. I hope they did, for their own health (and the non-smokers around them, don’t forget they still can get cancer out of it)

  4. IcyArugula9154 on

    I met them once when I was a teenager. They were chain smoking but vehemently told me never to smoke- which I appreciated!

  5. Itstimeforcookies19 on

    One of them had a baby so I sure as hell hope so. As a parent the number of things I truly judge about other parents I can name on one hand and they are all safety related. Smoking is one of them.

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