Suki Waterhouse Jokes She’s ‘Probably’ Going to Learn ‘Everything on How to Raise My Child’ on Reddit

by mcfw31


  1. > “Okay, but Reddit when you have kids, it’s like…” she continued. “Reddit in life. Reddit after everything, right? But yeah. That was probably where I’m gonna learn everything on how to raise my child is Reddit.”

  2. firetruckgoesweewoo on

    AITA and subs like it are great for reading on how. NOT to raise your children because half of the stories make me go “one day your child will cut off all contact with you and you’ll wonder what they did or they said to make them cut off all contact with you, because you’re far too perfect to be the reason why” (I know, most of them are fake at this point).

    I loved reading missing missing reasons. Very relatable.

  3. Bro it’s wild how once you know about this site you can’t do one thing before first reading the sub’s top 10 of the year. Like that post about buying a water bottle? Let me first go see what the water bottle experts are saying at hydrohomies lmao

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