Jodie Comer on the set of Danny Boyle’s 28 Years Later, 2024. The film, currently in post-production, was budgeted at 75m and shot on a bunch of adapted iPhone 15s. The iPhone 15 Pro Max camera rig setup on the far right. Link to more info in comments.

by NomadSound


  1. Whelp I’m definitely interested in seeing how it turns out as someone who doesn’t know shit about cameras.

  2. CapriciousCapybara on

    “Let’s use an iPhone!”

    “Because it’s compact, can be used in hard to fit spaces, and are quite affordable?”

    *sticking on nearly 100k worth of heavy gear all over it”

    “… yeeess”

  3. citrus_based_arson on

    Can someone ELI5 what the point is? They have thousands of dollars of equipment bolted to a phone… why not just use even the cheapest camera that’s made for that?

  4. Anyone else a little disappointed that they went from 28 days to 28 weeks but skipped 28 months and went straight to 28 years?

  5. Soderbergh used iPhones to shoot Unsane, and it gave it a real vibe. I’m not sure I particularly *liked* that vibe, but it was definitely a different look with heavy use of flat, wide angle shots that made the space feel very cramped and claustrophobic.

  6. I’m sorry but I don’t see the iPhone at all, just 100 thousands $$ of equipment 😆 can someone point it out to me?

  7. ValhallasRevenge on

    I remember 10 years ago joking with my friends. “I can’t wait for 28 years later”.. I don’t know how to feel about this now.. no wait.. old, I feel old.

  8. DrMantisToboggan1986 on

    The iPhone Pro cameras have honestly come a very long way. As someone who randomly records in 4K, the fidelity of those cameras present in the 14+ models is extremely impressive, and all it takes is some image stabilization and good editing to make this work. I’m sure Apple TV+ have had a few episodes of some shows completely shot just with iPhones

  9. amicablegradient on

    That rig looks like it’s some sort of Reflex Mirror optic (1000mm~) with about 10 different infinity adapters to get it connected to an iphone. Plus a DJI Lidar focus (not the DJI one, it’s a different company that makes a super pro one, but you get the jist)

  10. Crazy how Anthony Dod Mantle has all these weird “unconventional” ideas for filming and then ends up being the first entirely digital DP to win Best Cinematography Oscar.

  11. Great take guys, you really nailed it!

    We’re going to need you to do that one again, though. We got a candy crush notification in the footage.

  12. Some scenes will be filmed at an abandoned sports center a mile away from where I live on September 24th/25th, which is pretty cool.

  13. Admirable-Garden189 on

    What this doesn’t show is the amount of regular iPhones hidden away in corners of rooms and inside props. I know someone who worked on the set and some shots used dozens of phones in tiny spaces so you get a uninterrupted 360⁰ shot with no visible cameras

  14. At first I was really against it because this sounded like a stupid gimmick or a marketing stunt, but given the original was recorded on a camcorder, I can see why they’re doing this. they’re trying to get some of that lofi quality of the original while keeping the footage usable for modern editing

  15. How the fuck have the rage infected people lasted 28 years? Wouldn’t they have starved to death?

  16. Patch0uliprincess on

    my dad has been in the film industry for at least 30 years, seen so many things be created and so many technological advancements. but he got really upset the other day and told me with how good iPhone cameras are, the ability to use AI for everything, etc, he barely has any work anymore, and this is a man who worked consistently on big projects for most of his life. makes me sad

  17. Not great quality photo when zoomed in but here’s what I can make out rigged to the phone:

    Cannon k35 lens with some kind of adapter to fit the iPhone. Not sure which.

    Arri LMB 5 matte box on the front of the lens.

    Cine RT, the cones on the top.

    Small hd ultra 7 monitor, for the operator.

    Not entirely sure what lens control system they are using because I can’t make out the brain in the photo, but on the focus pullers stand I can see a Preston handset so imagine a Preston for focus and iris. There is also a a zoom control on the stand. Not sure which one.

    The ‘Ambilical cord’ attached to the camera most probably runs to the DIT. I would think they take a feed from the USBC port and send the picture back to the operators monitor. DIT would be able to control camera settings from that feed also.

  18. Why? Why not slap a cine lens on an MFT body like the GH6/7 (which are even Netflix approved) and have the same if not better ease of use, same cost footprint, more dynamic range, easier files to work with, cinema format folder structure for post, better ability to grade, wait why the fuck are using a phone.

    Someone explain it.

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