Johnny Depp to Receive Career Honor at Rome Film Festival, Where ‘Modi’ Will Launch in Italy

by GoMx808-0


  1. Educational-Feed3619 on

    Until he ruined it himself, plenty want to blame Heard but she was just a symptom of his midlife crisis, he already wasn’t getting jobs because he showed up late and drunk and had to have all his lines read to him through an ear piece. His inability to do his job is why he got cancelled by the suits, not Heard

  2. Damn getting a lifetime achievement award before you’re 70 or 80 usually means your career is over

  3. Three_Froggy_Problem on

    It’s a real shame to me what a mess he became because his earlier career work really was great. But at this point it’s impossible to like him and I don’t think he should be getting any awards. He’s already earned plenty, I don’t see why anyone would feel that he needs to be celebrated in 2024.

  4. Just wondering, are there any big name ACTRESSES who have behaved as badly routinely as Depp and still get given so many free passes? Sean Young was supposed to be hard work but the Weinstein connection means it’s not clear what allegations were real. She was also never as famous or rich. Bette Davis? Lindsay Lohan?

  5. Not surprising. Isn’t this also where they just gave Woody Allen a standing ovation? Italy loves honoring problematic men.

  6. NotAThrowaway1453 on

    Comments about Depp have a very different tone without all of the astroturfing that went on during the trial.

  7. icansmellcolors on

    Jesus FC, this whole thread is full of 20-something grandmothers clutching their pearls and gossiping about shit they heard from something else that got it from something else.

    You guys really love whipping yourselves up into tizzies over nothing.

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