Bill O’Reilly Walks Out on ‘Firing Line’ PBS Interview When Asked About Sexual Harassment Settlements; Host Margaret Hoover: “Clearly, he was uncomfortable fielding questions related to the sexual harassment allegations that are a significant part of his legacy.”

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. MarvelsGrantMan136 on


    >“It’s disappointing that Bill O’Reilly, knowing he would be asked, has not reflected on how the settlements involving him and several women have affected their ability to earn a living in media again, even as he continues to, in his words, ‘flourish’ in independent media.’ This is my seventh year hosting *Firing Line*, and Bill O’Reilly was the first guest on the program who didn’t formally finish the interview through the ‘goodbyes.’ Clearly, he was uncomfortable fielding questions related to the sexual harassment allegations that are a significant part of his legacy. I also gave him the opportunity to comment on legislation intended to give victims of sexual harassment additional legal power and the evolution of workplace culture, and he declined.”

  2. ZarquonsFlatTire on

    Bill O’Reilly’s still around? I guess I assumed he was one the horcruxes keeping Kissinger alive and thought he had already died.

  3. Amulek_My_Balls on

    I would imagine there’s some kind of confidentiality agreement as part of the settlements he can’t violate if he even acknowledges anything in an interview.

  4. Has he tried not sexually harassing people if he doesn’t want people to ask about all the times he’s sexually harassed people?

  5. Guess they should have added a trigger warning for this pathetic snowflake. Facts don’t care about your feelings Bill!

  6. Hoover used to work with him from 2008-2012. Maybe he knew this was coming and is ginning up press for both of them. Who knows.

  7. rockhammersmash on

    Dude goes on a show called Firing Line, and leaves because they’re asking hard questions. What did he expect was going to happen?

    It’s not called Softballs.

  8. If he wants someone to not ask him about his disturbing and violent behavior then he should go back on the Daily Show.

  9. I don’t know how many people watch Firing Line, but Hoover leaves no crumbs in all of her interviews.

  10. Patient-Extreme-1170 on

    To be fair, all the talk radio / fox pundits don’t bring it up. He might have a good-faith belief that you’re not allowed to bring it up based on how his co-cultists treat him

  11. “This show’s supposed to be firing line, not firing squad!”

    As he storms out of the interview.

    F*** Bill O’Reilly

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