Former Bad Boy Rapper Shyne Barrow Breaks Silence After Diddy’s Arrest: He ‘Destroyed My Life’

by PrincessBananas85


  1. I was always creeped out by Diddy’s eyes. They’re like a beady version of the mum from Coraline. Not a sign of life in them.

  2. Shyne is the leader of Belize’s opposition party and may become Prime Minister. Destroyed is a strong word.

    He took a fall. He didn’t talk for 20 years. Those are choices.

  3. With all this Diddy drama coming to light, I want to hear from that dude that used to dress all nerdy and walked around holding an umbrella for Diddy… Fonzworth Bentley

  4. PersepolisBullseye on

    Shyne was one of the more well known victims of Puffy. Puffy did to Shyne what he did to everyone he signed except Biggie (who he probably had killed since he had no leverage with him).

  5. Surely Diddy isn’t the only perpetrator of violence towards others in this horrific narrative. I’m wondering if other arrests are imminent.

  6. Diddy fucked up so many lives. Pac and Biggies were just the beginning. I hope he rots in prison till hes 100

  7. Crazy how when “Puff Daddy” starting blowing up he was considered as pop, soft, corny and kinda cheesy from the hard core “street” side of hip hop. Turns out he was the most vile, gangster ass person in hip hop.

  8. It literally took Diddy to be in jail without bail for this man to come forward. Shows how scary this dude was/is.

  9. Do you think all this coming out may have been the deal breaker for JLo and Ben? It’s obviously an open secret about Diddy, what does JLo really know?

  10. Shyne is a member of parliament in Belize??? Oh that make me so happy. I liked that guy. I always felt badly for him.

  11. ClassroomMother8062 on

    We all knew Shyne was Combs’ fall guy back then.

    I do wonder how much Shyne knew about the dirty shit combs was into aside from the trial. I feel like lots of industry and rap/R&B talent looked the other way for decades.

  12. koolaidismything on

    Imagine having to service this dude sexually to make it… hide that fact and move on now that you got a tiny bit of fame and money, only to be exposed a decade later.

    Moral of the story: if someone wants to take advantage of you for an opportunity, move along. Nothing is worth selling your dignity.

  13. I’m confused.

    > “This is someone who destroyed my life, and who I forgave, and who I moved on, and for the better interest of Belize because he was in the position at that time to give scholarships and maybe to invest,” he continued. “I would not deny attempting to bring the investment to Belize and bring the contributions to education.”

    Is he saying he moved on and forgave P. Diddy because P. Diddy later invested money and scholarships in Belize?

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