
He added, “I want to dedicate this award to four people: My mother, who is present, she’s here in the theater and she’s happy, I can feel that.”

But the biggest coos from the crowd were prompted when Bardem spoke candidly about his love for his wife, Cruz, whom he married in 2010: “And to a woman who I love and who I’ve shared a life with, I want to thank and give my deep gratitude for the human being you are and how you can be responsible for life, the life of your children, the life of your family, your mother, your friends, the life of others, the many people that you don’t know that you suffer for and you take care of and undoubtedly the life of this gentleman who’s here, who loves you and thanks you very much for it.” He swiftly thanked their two children, Leo and Luna.

by stars_doulikedem


  1. I feel like I haven’t seen Penelope in a bit and she somehow looks even more amazing than she already did. She is killing that hair

  2. girl i thought that was jeffery dean morgan. I’m stoned but they’re literally idenjtival twins????

  3. PuuublicityCuuunt on

    I didn’t even know they were married and I’m fans of both of them! What a beautiful couple! 

  4. I’ve always thought she was one of the most beautiful women in the world. Still is, my goodness.

  5. MyNameIsMudhoney on

    she is so goddamn beautiful. I first feel for her in “Vanilla Sky”, then again in that awful “Vicky Crisina Barcelona”, and my straight woman crush continues.

  6. Maaaannn, I was like “Jeffrey Dean Morgan, why the hell are you looking at her like that!?” About gave me a heart attack.

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