Aaron Sorkin Considering ‘West Wing’ Reboot After White House Visit: ‘I Just Got a Couple of Ideas For Episodes’

by cmaia1503


  1. I would love to see a West Wing reboot with Allison Janney as the President. But even the cast and producers say that what has happened in the last several years is crazier than anything they ever did.

  2. Uhg, I can’t imagine how insufferable a show like this would be in today’s political climate.

  3. cdoublesaboutit on

    Go away forever with those episode ideas please. The last thing this country needs is more political escapism.

  4. buffering_since93 on

    As someone who was a massive fan of Sports Night, Studio 60, Newsroom and West Wing growing up it’s a hard pass. I don’t think I can handle Sorkin’s heavy-handed idealistic and optimistic worldview. Plus the Gilmore Girls like rapid-fire dense dialogue would be exhausting

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