Little Rascals is forever ruined. RIP childhood fave

by catseye_3


  1. ![gif](giphy|93rI3szziYMYo)

    Someone should do this to his balls for saying that about his daughters idc.

  2. Commercial-Sundae663 on

    Words cannot express how disgusting and sad it is to hate your daughters simply because they’re girls. I hope they grow up and learn that it’s not okay for a man to treat you like this and that they’re more than just incubators and maids. Men like this just teach their daughters to accept and normalize abuse and that’s so evil.

  3. Ouiser_Boudreaux_ on

    The man has been arrested for huffing air duster…of course he’s going to say stupid shit. I’m sad his daughters will have to deal with him though.

  4. I wasn’t expecting him to *actually* be a part of the He-Man Woman Haters Club.

    Also, who does he think he is? Henry VIII?

  5. And one day his daughters will see that he called them that…. Everything lives on the internet forever

  6. Apropos of nothing, this caption on one of the pictures caught my attention:

    >Hall shares his five children with wife Jill, who he married in 2017.

    Five kids in seven years? Yikes.

  7. Impressive-Health670 on

    As a woman, I’ll never understand the type of woman that chooses this type of man as the father of their children. Those poor kids.

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