Angelina Jolie Says She Is ‘Never First’ as a Mom to 6 Children: ‘Your Life Is for Another’

by mcfw31


  1. > Talking of the lessons she’s learned from her six kids, Jolie, who appears on the cover of the publication’s October issue, said, “There are too many to count or name just one. But the moment you become a parent you are never first again. Your life is for another. It’s a beautiful feeling.”

  2. I get it but mothers need to prioritize themselves first in some cases, especially if they are overworked, they need to take care of their mental health primarily in order to raise their kids better.

  3. This is why I’m only having one child. I,as woman, am not here to live life to just raise children. I matter too.

  4. In other news, the sky is blue.

    No but in all seriousness, I don’t follow her much, is something going on with custody/Brad? Lately, Al the sound bites I see/hear from her have been about motherhood? Does she have a film out about mothers/playing a mother? Is her “mothering” being put on blast? Like just below this there was a post about her having matching tattoos with one of her kids…

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