This may be a little confusing, but I’m gonna do my best to explain. Squid Game 2 features a controversial actor Lee Jin Wook, who was accused of rape and then countersued his victim.

In July 2016, Lee Jin Wook was accused of sexual assault by a 33 year old woman (whose surname is Oh) after they drank together at her apartment.

For evidence, she submitted her underwear which allegedly had Lee’s semen and a photo of a scar she claimed he left on her.

In the initial questioning, Oh insisted and maintained that the sex was not consensual. But Lee countersued for false allegations.

In the countersuit investigation, she underwent a lie detector test and reportedly admitted the assault testimony was false (she would later say the police coerced her into recanting her accusations). Police also claimed that they found no evidence of her accusations.

However, based on Lee’s own statements in court during the countersuit, he acknowledged that he didn’t ask her to have sex nor did she provide consent. Thereby the court ruled that Lee’s false accusation charges against Oh didn’t have enough evidence.

But in 2018 Lee Jin Wook appealed and the ruling was overturned. Oh was sentenced to 8 months in prison and 2 years probation. The new court stated that although Oh may have “secretly” or “internally” not wanted to have sex, she was not intimidated or subject to oppressive tactics. (Basically they’re saying although she may not have wanted it and did not express consent, he didn’t hit/threaten her or so it doesn’t count, which is unfortunately the basis of rape laws in SK).

So; that’s why a lot of people are upset by his involvement in season 2 and are divided on watching it.

by CriminalSubliminal


  1. “the court stated that the sexual intercourse had not been “oppressive” enough to be considered rape, despite acknowledging the possibility that Oh may have “secretly” not consented to the act.”


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