in the movie, Predator (1987), The character, Billy is the only soldier in the outfit whose haircut is out of uniform regulations. His rank is an army sergeant first class.

by Rick–Diculous


  1. Billy, and Dutch’s whole team, were not active military. They were all former military working for a private military contracting company created by Dutch. They all refer to each other by rank but the reason they were brought in by the CIA is because they were expendable

  2. LastPirateAlive on

    What does the first sentence have to do with the second sentence. I feel like I’m missing something.

  3. Rick-burp-Sanchez on

    Haircut/shaving regulations can be dismissed due to cultural/religious and even medical reasons, fyi. I believe it’s inferred that Billy’s character is Native American

  4. You would have thought the Predator would have actually fought Billy. Even if it was pointless. To me it just feels like he sneak attacked him

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