Since I have no actual personality, I can't pass a Circle K without instinctively quoting Bill and Ted, or an In N Out Burger without saying "Those are good burgers, Walter.".

Less well-known, but whenever I think about Mexico, I hear Mark Ruffalo in The Brothers Bloom: "I don't like to simplistically vilify an entire country, but Mexico is a horrible place."

What locations and quotes are forever linked in your mind?

by profound_whatever


  1. Every time we arrive at the supermarket, EVERY TIME, I look at all the shoppers and I say to my partner, “Why do they come here? Some kind of instinct. Memory of what they used to do. This was an important place in their lives”. Never gets old.

  2. From Baby Mama: 

     Tina Fey- *Oh my god you stuck gum under my coffee table?! Do you think you’re in an Arby’s?!* 

     Amy Poehler- *I wish I were in an Arby’s, cause there would be better food and cooler people!* 

     Also, not a movie but from a youtube video yeara ago, *Shit’s gettin real in the Whole Food’s parking lot.*

  3. I met her in the bathroom of a K-Mart and we made out for hours. Then we parted ways, never to see each other again.

  4. YoucantdothatonTV on

    I participated in a 3-day stage race (cycling) in San Dimas. It was a very quotable occasion and the folks were excellent to each other.

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