Ever since the first Bayformers Film people have been asking for a Transformers Movie with no humans set on their home planet of Cybertron and now when Hollywood finally does it NOBODY supports it, what's the deal? Transformers used to be a billion dollar franchise, this is insane, I hope this doesn't scare away Paramount with making the Transformers x GI Joe Movie. I hope Transformers One will have a better second weekend with Word of Mouths because this is seriously a great film, I guess it just goes to show you that Reviews and WoW doesn't always register to great box office

by RepeatEconomy2618


  1. Transformers is a franchise that has ran its course and animation of “adult” franchises will typically make less than live action like spiderverse is beloved but it will always make less than Tom Holland’s movies

  2. This isn’t a bayformers or Bumblebee style human free Transformers film.

    It’s a cartoon for children released after summer when all the parents are paying off summer bills and saving up for Christmas.

    It also hasn’t had a global rollout yet (doesn’t hit the UK to mid October for me).

  3. Because people could be just tired of Transformers. There’s been 8 movies now, 3 of which have been straight up terrible, and the grosses keep getting lower and lower either way. Short of Spiels taking over or Bay coming back, I really don’t say any way Paramount can reverse this. There’s no brand left.

  4. Plus_Tumbleweed3250 on

    I love transformers but they oversaturated the IP. The only way ppl will care again is if they release more quality films (like transformers one).

    Which we will hopefully get, unless Hasbro/paramount looks short term and stops putting these movies in theatres all together

  5. Purple_Quail_4193 on

    Hey I went but the brand is diluted to the point this is inevitable. It’ll find an audience on home video and streaming but now? If they show in theaters it won’t be til later

  6. >Ever since the first Bayformers Film people have been asking for a Transformers Movie with no humans set on their home planet of Cybertron and now when Hollywood finally does it NOBODY supports it

    Because the time to do that was when the iron was hot and people actually still cared. Now there’s been a whole slew of Transformers movies that were just plain shitty, and COVID changed the movie industry forever, and Gen Z and Gen Alpha don’t care a thing for Transformers, and *now* is when they decided the time was perfect to finally release a project with a little bit of integrity. Right.

  7. The better question is, “who is the audience?”

    Is it for children? Why would they have excitement for a Transformer animated movie? Are the existing Transformers animated shows among the top rated children’s series?

    Is it for adults? If it was, why was it marketed as a kid friend coming of age story?

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