Hello /r/movies! We are Pascal Plante, Juliette Gariépy, and Laurie Babin, the director and 2 lead actresses of the French-Canadian psychological-thriller ‘Red Rooms’. It’s out in select theaters and on digital/VOD in October. Ask us anything! (answers at 2 PM ET today!)

by RedRoomsAMA

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  1. **Information:**

    A New York Times Critic’s Pick, RED ROOMS is the latest feature from celebrated Canadian filmmaker Pascal Plante (NADIA, BUTTERFLY, FAKE TATTOOS) and is currently out in select US theaters and lands on Video-on-Demand on October 4th from Utopia (detail here).

    **You can watch the trailer here:**


    Called “the most disturbing horror movie of the year” by Slash Film, RED ROOMS follows Kelly-Anne (Juliette Gariépy in a widely praised performance) as she wakes up every morning to wait outside the courtroom to secure a seat at the high-profile trial of Ludovic Chevalier (Maxwell McCabe-Lokos, STANLEYVILLE), a man charged with the murder of three teenage girls, with the gruesome videos of two of the crimes surfacing for sale online on the dark web. She finds herself bonding with a fellow voyeur (Laurie Babin), momentarily breaking her out of her loneliness, while also witnessing the emotional decline of the victims’ families. As the proceedings continue, it becomes increasingly difficult for Kelly-Anne to maintain the psychological and physical balance between her normal life and her morbid fixation with the accused killer, with her obsession reaching new lengths when the final piece of evidence reveals itself within reach.

    The feature film debuts for Juliette Gariépy and Laurie Babin, RED ROOMS is the breakout, word-of-mouth, jaw-to-the-floor horror hit of the moment. As covered in Wired, “Few recent films have tapped into the psychology (and the dark heart) of terminally online culture like Red Rooms… An underground cult hit”

    Red Rooms currently sits at 96% on Rotten Tomatoes and 81 on Metacritic and was awarded many prizes at film festivals across the world.

    Pascal, Juliette, and Laurie will be back at 2 PM ET today (Tuesday 9/24) to answer any questions!

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