Chappell Roan responds to controversy over saying she won’t endorse anyone

by parishiltonsfemur


  1. It’s not even about her endorsement to anyone. She literally could have said ‘I choose to not be vocal about my political beliefs however I encourage everyone to exercise their legal right to vote for change and the betterment of everyone’ and drop it. She needs a team or a better team. Sometimes it’s best to say nothing at all. But her being reactive on social media is not a good look

    Edit: I know she said vote in local elections but her stance is still vague 

  2. Classic_Fudge_8824 on

    She said she’s not voting for Trump..maybe she’s not voting for Harris. She’s a leftist fence sitter or a secret log cabin.

  3. She’s so exhausting and seems super ignorant on politics. I’ve blocked her music on Spotify. My fellow queer community has too much to lose in this election and I have no time for damaging both sides rhetoric with my literal rights and life on the line.

  4. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on

    So I doubt everyone who has endorsed a candidate agrees 100% with their platform. There’s always going to be things people like and dislike about whoever is in charge. That being said, what she’s saying is coming off as off putting because one of the candidates in the race is a megalomaniac and will certainly do a lot of harm to trans rights if he wins.

  5. Honestly the idea of doing your research and using critical thinking skills is…a fine message. I also don’t think celebrities should feel pressured to endorse political candidates. But I am fascinated by how she has literally not said ANYTHING of substance other than “do your own research” and her Gen Z/Alpha audience have fallen over themselves to be like “omg leftist QUEEN! Let her speak!!”

    She very well could be a leftist and hold all these opinions but she has barely said a peep about anything and it’s rly funny that people are projecting onto her and that it’s mostly working for her target audience for now.

  6. She for sure could’ve put it into a simpler statement of “I’m voting for whoever better aligns with my views on lgbt+ rights,” but im not too surprised she doesn’t want to publicly endorse either candidate. She declined an invitation to the White House pride event this past year bc she wants “freedom for all”. I think she’s approaching it as until a candidate acts on their promises, she won’t* publicly endorse. Much like a lot of people’s opinions, I think she needs a bit of media training because vagueness in her statements will lead to a LOT of assumptions

  7. Taquito_deTrompo on

    I love Chappell Roan and I listen to her music on repeat every day-

    But I honestly could do without hearing from her every single day omg

  8. MurphyBrown2016 on

    She might benefit from being less online. Like just in general. It might solve some of these gaffes and also her fear of her parasocial fandom.

  9. LivingDeliously on


    Chappell running to social media and going off every time something gets misconstrued or doesn’t go her way. this isn’t a dig btw. I like her music but her need to comment on every single thing and in real time spazz out about becoming famous is becoming a bit too much. She clearly needs to work some things out in private and understand that if she plans to continue making music and BEING FAMOUS that her life will never be the same. I understand she doesn’t want to give an endorsement, but there was a way to do this with much more grace. She has a mentality so far that she doesn’t owe anyone anything, which to an extent she doesn’t, but she also has to understand as a public figure she now has a ton influence. Of course people will be curious about who she’s voting for/endorses.

  10. She’s just always so negative in everything. The eye roll at the end, the “I encourage everyone to use critical thinking skills”, the “Per usual everything I said was taken out of context”. Sometimes it’s not “everyone else” sometimes you are the problem.

  11. Seems like all she does is complain. She doesn’t realize how lucky she is to be in that position

  12. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)

    ETA: for someone who likes to hear her own voice she sure says a whole bunch of nothing. today’s been a horrid day and my filter is absolutely fucking gone. Fuck Trump and fuck anyone who tries to “but both sides!!!” this election.

  13. I’m honestly annoyed by her now. Loved the feel good story when she came onto the scene, even agreed with some if her earlier criticism of the industry and fans. But for fucks sakes…this election isn’t a less of two evils. It’s the ability to vote in a democracy and not. Fuck all the other noise.

  14. She needs to make a concise statement and just drop it. She’ll be criticized either way. She needs to accept that and move on.

    I don’t agree with her but fine we don’t all have to agree but you can’t keep commenting on politics and not expect people to criticize the political things you say.

  15. She engages with online criticism a lot for a celeb of her current stature. I know she’s young and got famous quicker than she expected to, but this does not feel sustainable for her.

  16. Your entire career and public persona is built upon the backs of the LBTQA community, the same community that is in direct danger of a Trump presidency. 

    We’re fighting for our lives out here, we made you famous, the actual least you could do, the LEAST you could do, is writing a simple tweet endorsing the Harris/Watz campaign. She couldn’t do that.

    “Thanks for making me rich and famous, but I won’t do the most simple thing to assist you from total persecution, sorry!” Is the message she’s sending.

    I’ve lost all respect for her

  17. Does she not have anyone in her life capable of explaining why people are actually upset about what she said? It’s so weird.

    And her main issue being trans rights makes her “both sides have issues so I won’t endorse” stance even more frustrating because the Biden administration has been strong on that issue and the GOP is so bad people with trans kids are packing up and leaving red states if they can.

  18. She would have been fine without the “both sides” thing which is usually a dog whistle for conservatives who don’t want to canceled.

  19. Spiritual_Boss6114 on

    I love Chappell Roan. I think she is a good artist.

    “There are so many things that I would want to change. So I don’t feel pressured to endorse someone.” – To say this means you aren’t going to be voting. You are an artist with a platform that reaches millions of LGBTQ+ members around the US.

    One group of people want to see Trans people not get medically necessary procedures to help them better their lives.

    One group of people want to see women who were raped be forced to give birth to their rapist’ child.

    One group of people wants to ban contreceptive pills to women.

    One group of people wants to create a white nationalistic Christian government.

    One group of people wants to prevent any form of documentation about womens’ reproductive rights be removed from the Internet.

    You have a platform that so many young people look up to. You are part of a group of marginlized people. You should be on the side of right. Not Wrong.

  20. I’ve never felt older than I did hearing someone say they are ‘questioning their own algorithm’

  21. Her social media presence really needs to be studied. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a young pop girl fall out of favour this fast.

    It’s too bad because I was so on board with her comments on fans getting too close to celebrities and feeling too entitled to their private lives, but her takes and her overall attitude have gotten progressively worse.

  22. Yeah, she wasn’t taken out of context. Saying “there are problems on both sides” insinuates that said problems are somehow equally bad, regardless of how she meant it. The reality is that one ticket openly advocates for LGBTQ+ rights, while the other ticket rants and raves about immigrants eating pets and imposing insane tariffs on consumer goods. Yes, the dems *absolutely* have their fair share of problems, but Chappell’s whole quote comes off as ignorant at best.

    Edit to add: Chappell Roan has built her career on branding that is explicitly and inherently political. I don’t think she or any of us should really be that surprised people expect an endorsement from her in particular.

  23. Idk why people are assuming this means she’s a republican. If anything she sounds more like an annoying third party voter. Which is equally frustrating imo

  24. I don’t think she’s a bad person, but a lot of these are just platitudes. Everyone says we should “question authority” and use “critical thinking,” including anti-trans bigots, so while it’s true, it doesn’t really mean much in the current climate.

  25. A) she’s got to stop trying so hard to personally curate her public narrative by responding to every single criticism
    B) she doesn’t need to endorse a candidate. She’s a pop singer. Endorsing a candidate is fully optional for pop stars and she’s not endorsing Trump by choosing not to endorse Harris/Walz

  26. If she is for Trans rights then what is talking about with the both sides bull shit? One side what to regress rights for trans people, one side wants to protect them, she’s an idiot.

  27. Brilliant-Employ-328 on

    The scary thing is this is a pretty strong feeling amongst leftist young people on social media.

    I say this as someone extremely on the left. I hate this system. I want change. I don’t want to fund this war.

    We have TWO options. That’s it. One of them is winning.

    Is another Trump presidency worth woke asspats?

    /Old woman yells at sky

  28. UnderdogUprising on

    It really does come from a place of great privilege to not speak up and “stay neutral” because no candidate is perfect enough for you.

    She (maybe unfortunately?) hit a level of fame and influence where this whole “just have some critical thinking skills” wishywashy speech doesn’t sound “punk” and “transgressive” anymore, she just looks like she doesn’t know what she’s doing, and it’s hard to watch.

  29. I couldn’t care less what she or any other celebrity says but this entire thing where she’s acting like she’s better than everyone is hilarious.

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