Hasan Minhaj Lost ‘Daily Show’ Host Gig Amid Jokes Scandal; Jon Stewart Called Him and Questioned the Backlash: ‘Why the F— Are They Doing This?’

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. This is the stupidest controversy. We have politicians making up stories about people eating pets, but a comedian making up jokes is somehow a big story too? I’m not even a big fan of Hasan’s comedy persona, but he didn’t deserve any backlash for this.

  2. According to noted liar Hasan Minaj. I read the article. Remove your quotation marks cause John Stewart didn’t say that. Minaj SAYS Stewart said that.

    This fucking guy called a girl a racist when she did nothing to him in order to make up a story about some shit that never happened to him.

    Fuck Hasan Minhaj.

  3. tomtomtomtom123 on

    Getting canned over made up premises is one thing, but a lot of his made up jokes involved actual people portrayed extremely poorly to make himself look either morally superior OR more sympathetic as a victim. I think that maybe goes a little as to why people were so mad at him. Everyone knows comedians make up scenarios and exaggerate real events for humor, but it’s usually done for the sake of humor.

    In reality he should have gotten canned because he’s just not very funny.

  4. Dismal_Information83 on

    An interesting story, he made up instances of extreme racism and told them as truth. While comedians often embellish stories to show an “emotional truth” it’s not usually stuff like having to rush your child to the ER after exposure to an envelope containing white powder. That’s simply not funny. I think he can be forgiven the hyperbole in the general sense. I also see why the Daily Show took a step back. Exaggerating racism isn’t helpful, the truth is enough. https://www.vox.com/culture/23954018/hasan-minhaj-new-yorker-controversy-daily-show-what-happened

  5. ThatHowYouGetAnts on

    Really telling that every other standup had this guy’s back. Mike Birbiglia had some good stuff about it on his podcast

  6. It’s not that he made up jokes. It’s that he tried to subvert the convo by pointing to a whole lot of shit when it really boiled down to “I exaggerated for comedic affect,” which is fucking FINE, but just tell us this.

    “I’m a storyteller.” Okay, great, whatever. Just own all of this.

  7. > You wouldn’t go to a haunted house and say ‘Why are these people lying to me?’ — The point is the ride. Standup is the same.”

    Dude…if I’m in a haunted house and someone comes up to me and yells “THERES A REAL GUY WITH A KNIFE IN HERE *ACTUALLY STABBING PEOPLE*, YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!”

    I’m gonna feel *pretty fuckin lied to*. You can’t insist your stories are true and then get mad at people for finding out you made them up. Thats literally the difference between a comedian and a con artist.

  8. For me, it goes like this. Doesn’t matter how funny comedians are if they can’t control the narrative, especially about themselves. The first 3 minutes of Ellen’s Netflix special were decent, but I turned it off. She’s finished.

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