1. No one here had any issue with Macklemore outright saying he wouldn’t vote for democrats in the fall because of the genocide, and instead praised him for using his platform to speak out, but Chappell says she can’t endorse Kamala but will still vote for her and she gets torn to shreds and “clearly doesn’t understand anything about politics.”


  2. Who else do they want ppl to vote for jill stein / write in / stay at home??? Any vote not for Kamala is a vote for t*ump. Obvi what *srae* is doing is indefensible (you know the situation is bad when former ppl in the us security apparatus like Leon panetta are calling it genocide). The way the US electoral system is step up leaves basically no other alternatives.

  3. Ive stayed out of this as a non american but I find it kind of scary??? That any and all criticism of te democratic party is treated as anathema bc “Trump/republicans are dangerous, its not the moment for this conversation!”

    That party has been radicalized. Once Trump is gone, they will just find another far right lunatic to fill in. So when is it going to be ok to call out your party? Its always going to be “not the moment!”

    We had a politician in my country who campaigned with “the least bad” as a slogan (sloppy translation) and I sort of feel, from an outsider perspective, thats what democrats are doing. “Yeah we have these issues but its us or That Guy, so dont ever fucking bring them up again and also you should be thankful we are the least bad option”

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