Sources: Apple rethinks its movie strategy, including rolling back theatrical releases and cutting budgets for most to under $100M, after some box office misses (Bloomberg)

by SilverRoyce


  1. Steve McQueen’s Blitz (staring Saoirse Ronan) has lost its “real” theatrical release and is getting a wolfs like limited release

  2. BlacksmithSavings879 on

    Hollywood also needs to review these millionaire fees, for these celebrities, who live on status and inflate their budgets. There are few who deserve fat fees.

  3. Kingsofsevenseas on

    Biggest problem for Apple is their total lack of expertise when it comes to theatrical distribution. Apple biggest theatrical movie so far is Napoleon, which made over 220 million globally. It may look not that stunning given the 130 million budget it had, however this is more than any movie released by Amazon MGM globally since MGM was acquired by Amazon.

    Apple then rushed to handle to Sony the distribution for all their movies this year. Yet, suddenly they decided to give WB their F1 movie distribution. The question is WHY? Nobody at Sony understood what was going on, consequently Fly Me To the Moon marketing started sinking, completely different approach Sony had given to Napoleon, which Sony marketed just like it was their own movie.

    Apple simply doesn’t undeserved how things works in Hollywood. Look the approach MGM has with WB. WB is MGM partner for international distribution, earning a fee over their work in distributing Amazon movies, you don’t see MGM talking to WB rivals. Apple would need to acquire a commercial studio, they don’t understand the market and how theatrical distribution works, egos in Hollywood are way bigger than in the rest of business world.

  4. Of course. The idea that Apple didn’t care about their box office bombs last year (Killers of the Flower Moon, Napoleon, etc) didn’t add up. Argylle and Fly Me to the Moon just made things worse

  5. ROBtimusPrime1995 on

    Apple clearly needs a Film Division head who actually knows how to run a movie studio.

    It took them a little bit to figure out TV shows, but their films have been sloppy since the start. Now that they are investing in big-budget projects, they’ve done nothing but release flops (critically or commercially).

    They need to restrategize how they greenlight their projects.

    Apple is in their “Hello, this is Netflix, you’re greenlit; who am I speaking with?” Era.

  6. Apple TV and movies is fascinating because you can’t convince me that they’re not losing like all the money

  7. Probably a smart play until they decide how much a theatrical release is worth compared to streaming.

  8. Honestly, I don’t know why they haven’t really made horror movies? They’re cheap and they can make a lot of money 🤷🏻‍♂️

  9. Traditional_Shirt106 on

    Maybe I’m stupid but last time I checked Apple is a computer company – they could have bought EA, whipped it into shape, and steamrolled MS, Nintendo, and Sony. They already did this with walkmans and phones and headphones, they could have just bought market dominance with games.

    They tried to buy their way into the movie business because they wanted movie stars and Hollywood big shots kissing their ass. These people are sharks and will gladly take your money, do whatever they want with it, and never call you again. They should be making TVs, not movies.

  10. These behemoths thinking they can just walk into entertainment, throw money around, and be successful. 

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