John Wick 10th Anniversary (2024) Official Trailer – Keanu Reeves

by KillerCroc1234567


  1. Really shocking to look back and think that in just 10 years, they’ve made 4 of these and now a spinoff sequel. Really underlines the IP obsession that dominated Hollywood in the last decade and a half.

  2. Strict_Pangolin_8339 on

    I loved the sequels (I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like the 4th) but I still say this is probably the best one.

  3. A movie that completely changed the action genre. Kind of like how Taken did when it released in 2008. Wonder how much longer it will be before we get another action movie that changes the genre.

  4. Cool, would love to see this one in particular in theaters. Never got to because I hadn’t heard of it while going into college, I was OOTL until Chapter 2.

  5. That scene where Viggo tells Iosef who John Wick was still gives me chills. I watch it from time to time on YouTube.

  6. LifeIsRadInCBad on

    I remember the KPCC Filmweek review where they had a hard time getting past Wick killing all those people because of a dog. So, I didn’t watch it in the theaters. I would love to attend a re-release (except for the dog part).

  7. 1 and 3 are just brilliant. 2 and 4 still very watchable just not as rewatchable as the others

  8. doktor-frequentist on

    I watched John Wick on my phone, on the metro ride between Paris Charles deGaulle airport and a suburb of Essone. That’s like a 90 minute train ride. I was floored by the action in that movie! Went home and watched it all over again to appreciate it better.

  9. So. What is it? Are they showing it at some theatre, or making a remastered version of it – or what!

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