‘The Rings of Power’ Season 2 Reaches 55 Million Viewers in One Month, Amazon Says

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. PedestrianCyclist on

    A large portion of those viewers were captives in a North Korean torture/detention facility.

  2. GetsBetterAfterAFew on

    Its good, S1 was good too and proves that the limited amount of die hard LOTR super fans was never going to drive the popularity and adoption of this show to a whole new generation of fans who will now go back and check out the books. The hate about this show was never really warranted imo and I read all the books decades ago multiple times. The polish and quality of this show outweighs some narrative directions that goes against cannon and new viewers dont give a shit about a few instances of breaking cannon.

  3. And Amazon seems like a totally absolutely unbiased source for this info, ofc. I mean the article says right there that “Amazon declines to define what it counts as a view” and that they “did not provide any data to support [these] claims.”

  4. BillyGoatGruff_ on

    Isn’t that even less than The Acolyte was doing? I saw a chart that had it at about 10mil views per episode.

  5. I gotta say the best thing I can say about this show is it helps me sleep. I think i have fallen asleep during each episode. I mean are the hobbits still in it? All i have seen are elves and dwarves?

  6. It’s absolutely the best show currently on TV. I look forward to every new episode and I haven’t said that for awhile. The relationships, the costumes, the acting. Sauron!!! Orcs!!! Elves!!! Dwarves!!! Rings!!!

  7. This show has its faults, but I maintain the Annatar reveal to Celebrimbor was one of the best things I’ve seen on TV this year

  8. ThreeLittlePuigs on

    MAX: we had 11 million viewers for the first episode of The Penguin
    r/television: wow that makes sense it’s so good!

    Amazon: we’ve had 55 million viewers for RoP
    r/television: Well clearly Amazon is lying!!!

  9. GordaoPreguicoso on

    Once you get past the continuity with Lord of the Rings and just enjoy it as more of an alternate universe the show is more enjoyable.

  10. A majority of the people bitching about it haven’t actually read Tolkien and are just mad there are minority actors. There are obviously weaknesses, but a majority of the critiques of it fall flat if you’ve actually read Tolkien.

  11. Tom_Bradys_Penis_AMA on

    I’m enjoying it for the most part, although the Sauron plotline is doing a lot of the heavy lifting.

  12. DoubleShot027 on

    It’s complete trash thankfully they don’t have the actual license so this show is more or less a knock off.

  13. CortexifanZFT on

    At first I wasn’t really enjoying it until I convinced myself it’s just one expensive fanfic series and now I’ve been enjoying it more.

  14. I angrily turned off the tv show after Elrond kissed Galadriel, like dude she’s married bro has been since the first age. When her people were responsible for the kin slaying in Aman and Feanor’s curse.

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