Menendez Brothers Case: L.A. District Attorney Conducting “Review” Of Evidence From 1990s Trial; Parses Judgement On Resentencing & Original Proceedings

by NoCulture3505


  1. If their parents really did half the shit that they claim, I say let them out immediately.. they’d already be out anyway if this happened in some of these other countries.. just make em live together and be on probation/ankle monitors the rest of their lives if they’re really worried about them

  2. Justarandomgirl03 on

    They had more evidence and witnesses then any child abuse case. Over 51+ witnesses who testified in their defense, and that includes majority of their family members. Free them now, 35 years is more than enough, when even r4pist and p3do only serve a few months. I believe you Lyle I believe you Erik and I believe you Roy Rosello!

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