Barrack Obama celebrates 32th anniversary with Michelle

by MightbeFaker


  1. iliketoomanysingers on

    Sorry to ruin the fun, but I legitmately hate this man and his foreign policy so much that it makes my blood boil. This isn’t directed at you, OP, I just legitmately hate him so much.

    **”Let’s clarify: President Obama is not a pioneer of the illegal and offensive wars that the United States has engaged in during the last 20 years. Even still, he is an expansionist, reflected clearly in the development of his drone program.**

    **During his presidency, Obama approved the use of 563 drone strikes that killed approximately 3,797 people. In fact, Obama authorized 54 drone strikes alone in Pakistan during his first year in office. One of the first CIA drone strikes under President Obama was at a funeral, murdering as many as 41 Pakistani civilians. The following year, Obama led 128 CIA drone strikes in Pakistan that killed at least 89 civilians. Just two years into his presidency, it was clear that the “hope” that President Obama offered during his 2008 campaign could not escape U.S. imperialism. 
    The drone operations extended to Somalia and Yemen in 2010 and 2011, resulting in more destructive results. Under the belief they were targeting al-Qaida, President Obama’s first strike on Yemen killed 55 people including 21 children, 10 of which were under the age of five. Additionally, 12 women, five of them pregnant, were also among those who were murdered in this strike. These blundered acts of murder by not only President Obama, but the U.S. government, are morally reprehensible.**

    **Even more civilian casualties came out of Afghanistan throughout Barack Obama’s time in office. In 2014, Obama began removing troops currently deployed in the country. However, instead of this action by the president being one in a pursuit of peace and stability in the region, it only acted as an opportunity to drastically increase air warfare. Afghanistan had war rained upon them by U.S. bombardment, with the administration viciously dropping 1,337 weapons on Afghanistan in 2016. In total that year, the Obama administration dropped 26,171 bombs (drone or otherwise) across seven countries: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. The U.S., in cooperation with its allies including the Afghan government, killed 582 civilians on average annually from 2007 to 2016.”**

    I bet plenty of those innocent people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen would have loved to have been married for over 30 years. Unfortunately several of them will never be married, had their marriages cut short, or were possibly given their own personal hell after reaching that milestone by dying or having their spouse die, all because of Obama and his admin, and of course the US policy of destabilizing the muslim world for our own power. That will remain the status quo until the people here decide that the people “over there” are human.

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