“Weird Al” Yankovic Wants to Host ‘SNL’, Says He’s Never Been Asked

by MarvelsGrantMan136


  1. MarvelsGrantMan136 on

    Weird Al:

    >”I wonder, ‘Why I haven’t done that yet?’ and that’s one of them. But you know it, you know it still may happen. Who knows? I think I’d rather be a host than be a musical guest, because if you host, you have more permission to mess up. And as a musical guest if you get one note wrong, you’re a failure.”

  2. Ok_Scientist_8147 on

    It’s kind of weird he hasn’t been asked. They had a golden opportunity for him and Daniel Radcliffe when his biopic was coming out.

  3. I love Weird Al but he never really fit what they go for.

    EDIT: People hating this post, when have they ever had someone like him as host instead of the biggest modern film and television actors or the biggest music stars in the world? The answer is never. Maybe once they got weird when they had Ronald Reagan’s son as host.

  4. turkeyvulturebreast on

    How the fuck he hasn’t been on SNL?!? And it’s the 50th season. Get his ass on there right MEOW!

  5. And now I’ll be shocked if it doesn’t happen before the end of this season. Hope it does, who doesn’t love Weird Al?

  6. ItsOnlyaFewBucks on

    Never been asked? I know he is not the Beatles, Tom Hanks, or Taylor Swift, but damn, he is an entertaining dude. I think his act is already to close to SNL though. I think they like when the guess are a little out of their element?

  7. Absolutely bizarre that they haven’t asked him, considering he’s been culturally relevant for almost as long as SNL.

  8. Everybody in here surprised he hasn’t hosted yet is too young to appreciate the gulf that used to exist between cool and weird. SNL could never have had him host. They would be afraid of people thinking they weren’t cool. Weird Al’s entire brand is that he is fun without caring about coolness. If Weird Al hears you call him a dork behind his back, he won’t even remember it an hour later. If Lorne hears you call him a dork behind his back, he will cry about it 20 years later as he is cutting your brake lines.

  9. I saw Weird Al perform at Carnegie Hall like a week before his biopic came out. He was literally less than a mile away from 30 Rock in the middle of a media blitz.

    I was so certain he was gonna be slated to host that week, it’s absurd he didn’t.

  10. TJMcConnellFanClub on

    Quick, someone tell Lorne that Al is really blowing up on TikTok, only way it’ll happen

  11. I was literally just wondering why he had never hosted like two days ago. Funny old world.


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