In Death Note 2: The Last Name (2006), world-renowned detective L uses a Nokia 6630 phone, while the other characters use Japanese “gara-kei” or “Galapagos phones”, to emphasize the character’s international origins. (more in comments)

by ezjoz

1 Comment

  1. In the 2000s, while much of the world used Nokia phones, Japan’s cell phone industry developed independently from the rest of the world. This lead to the phones being called “Galapagos phones,” ガラパゴス携帯 (*garapagosu-keitai*), or ガラ携 (*gara-kei*) for short.

    Within the movie’s canon, the character L, while played by a Japanese actor, is not of Japanese origin, so it makes sense for him to own a Nokia phone instead.

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