Many big movie industry critics are loving the movie Wicked so far. What are your thoughts hearing all these positive reviews?

by fartbox2016


  1. I think it will be huge box office wise.

    It could still be really good movie but I would not trust early reaction like this for that. They seem to amplify positive reviews always. I will wait for the embargo to be lifted.

    Although I definitely feel that this would be an enjoyable movie.

  2. InternationalEnd5816 on

    These aren’t really critics, they’re more like influencers. Also don’t really trust *Scott Menzel* of all people.

    But Universal seems really confident in this film. It seems like the anti-Gladiator II: Paramount is trying really hard to convince everyone Gladiator II is good, while Universal simply *knows* Wicked is good. That’s why I’ve never really believed in Wickiator or Glicked or whatever. The buzz for Wicked does seem to be bigger, more organic, and more genuine.

  3. Shrimp_Lobster_Crab on

    Early critics are often paid for. Not actual cash but perks and preferences. I’ve said this many times and people downvote out of cynicism but it is absolutely true. That’s why 2/3rds of the initial Joker 2 reviews were favorable. And then reality sets in and the score plummets.

    I do NOT think this applies to Wicked as much though because I think this movie is going to be fantastic.

  4. Obvious_Computer_577 on

    This is a pleasant surprise. I didn’t like that it was a sneaky Part I, 2.5 hours long, and filled with bland-looking CGI. But if it’s generating positive buzz, then hopefully that means it’s actually good and will generate great box office

  5. BroadwayCatDad on

    I think this will open big then have a big dramatic fall off. Heavy front load.

    It’s the second movie that will be interesting to watch.

  6. Wicked is in a really good position to dominate on multiple fronts. If it gets strong critical reviews, it’ll fuel its box office. And if it’s a big box office success and a critical hit, it’s going to fuel its award run, which will in turn boost its box office even more.

  7. Outside-Historian365 on

    I’m glad, but it’s just not gripping me. Maybe because it seems like another cliffhanger part 1?

  8. Garbage movie and it’s for kids as well .
    What the hell is wrong with Hollywood these days .

  9. Looks pretty bad imo, I haven’t been able to watch the trailer without cringing. I think it’s gonna be a more niche demographic than expected. Good luck tho 👍🏻

  10. One of those critics is probably Grace Randolp.. She gave positive reviews for borderlands and Megalopolis saying it’s art or something… I won’t take this early review to heart

  11. topatoman_lite on

    Might make a lot of money, but this is a spinoff major franchise part 1 movie, no way in hell it’s gonna be a big award contender

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