Gene Hackman, 94, out in public with wife Betsy Arakawa

by FrankSamples


  1. foxscribbles on

    This is one of those pap shots that feel invasive. They clearly didn’t call photographers for a pap walk. They’ve been out of the limelight for years. They were clearly just out and about and some photographer decided to snap some shots of them on the street.

  2. wifeunderthesea on

    if you haven’t seen **Crimson Tide**, you REALLY need to watch it! gene hackman and denzel washington go head-to-head in a submarine over whether or not to launch missiles before confirming the order.

    it’s sooooo good, SOOOOOO tense, such an adrenaline rush! aaah!!! one of the best movies i’ve EVER seen!

  3. ridinridinsteam on


    Paps should leave this man alone he’s 94!!

  4. ZealousidealGroup559 on


    What a life. Started acting late, had a fucking awesome career, retired at a decent age to write western books and chill, and now he’s 94 and healthy enough to potter about with his nice wife.

  5. greenglossygalaxy on

    He’s nothing but a legend. But, let him live his life & put the camera away.

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