I always think about this with Mrs Doubtfire. Sally Fields as the mom is conveyed as the stick-in-the-mud mom, who isn’t as fun as the free spirited dad (Robin Williams). Now that I’m older (and a mom), that scene where she comes home and the kids and dad are dancing on the table and there’s a donkey in the house and everything is absolutely trashed… And then when they’re arguing you can hear that this isnt the only time he’s completely disregarded her and what she’s said – It’s no wonder she wants to divorce.

While she’s obviously not a “villain” in a standard sense, she’s clearly made to be “the bad guy” in a movie where she really isn’t.

by KimchiAndMayo


  1. waybeforeyourtime on

    I use this film as an example of misogyny in our culture. It’s a classic ‘harpy wife doesn’t let anyone have any fun’. I do think they attempted to show that she’s not really the bad guy, but it’s a weak attempt at best.

  2. Sarah Silverman’s character in School of Rock was mean but she really just wanted her roommate to pay rent and stop mooching off of her boyfriend…

  3. pointclickvibes on

    It’s one of those movies when you are a kid watching it you do see her as the “bad guy” but as an adult watching it you totally see where she is coming from. In a way I think it kind of captures the kids not understanding why she gets so upset because from their perspective all they see is their dad wanting to have fun with them. When you are a kid you see things a lot more in categories of “good” and “bad”, when you get older you realize it’s not as simple as that especially when it comes to relationships.

    The ending where she is watching the miss doubtfire tv show with doubtfire reading and answering the letter from the kid talking about their parents divorcing always is a tear jerker for me. My parents divorced when I was 9 and that part always comforted me when I watched it.


  4. boomhauersthong on

    Liar Liar, Jim Carey’s ex-wife’s boyfriend.

    Jim Carey was a shitty father, and that guy stepped up.

  5. Stinkycheese8001 on

    That movie hits so differently as an adult, especially the scenes where she talks about how hard it was to be married to someone like him and to always have to be the fun killer.

  6. ohsheetitscici on

    What’s even funnier about Mrs Doubtfire is how I felt like they wanted you to hate Pierce Bronson’s character as well. But bro was actually a great guy!

  7. ![gif](giphy|xUPOqFeSXVBK6mCQUM)

    Same stick-in-the-mud mom & new husband vs. fun dad shtick. Except Scott wasn’t even a fun dad to begin with. Even his kid didn’t want to spend Christmas with him.

  8. These_Tea_7560 on

    There are multiple villains in The Devil Wears Prada and… Andy is one of them which is accurately pointed out on several occasions in the movie.

  9. MiniaturePhilosopher on

    As a kid, I always thought that Bob in What About Bob? was so sweet, so endearing, SO FUN and that Leo Marvin was clearly the antagonist.

    Rewatching it for the first time as an adult made me feel so terrible for Leo! He spent five minutes with the man and had his whole life ruined as a result.


  10. JenningsWigService on

    Ben Stiller’s character in Reality Bites was the better romantic option. Ethan Hawke was mean to Winona.

  11. ![gif](giphy|11C3eU9bkLhz5m)

    My best friends wedding 100%. Don’t get me wrong food critic here is still evil and the main villain but Michael was 100% is also the villain.

    He is constantly flirting with her and entertaining her advances even though it never goes further (until the ring scene and the kiss) it still makes me upset. Also many times throughout the movie he makes jokes or a comment towards her that is inappropriate af and Kimberly is literally introduced saying that she knows she could never amount to food critic??? What kind of fiancé makes his future wife feel that way about any women let alone in comparison to HIS EX.

    Speaking of Kimmy the fact that he expected her to quit perusing her career and education for his wack ass job is insane to me. Then he has the audacity to berate her for trying to get him a better one that pays him more (even though it wasn’t what he wanted it came from a place of love) all because he’s insecure that he can’t provide for her like her dad did for her mom. No to mention he literally forgave food critic way faster than he did Kimmy when she tried to get him the job like food critic didn’t try to RUIN HIS MARRIAGE AND GET HIM FIRED. Lastly, I hate that Micheal was still friends with food critic and she was allowed at that wedding KIMMY DESERVED BETTER.

  12. There’s a Cameron Diaz movie called Bad Teacher that I loved when I was a child and I rooted for her character but watching it again recently as an adult, it’s wild that I did that because she’s clearly the villain 😭 like just a terrible person

  13. Every time I watch Dirty Dancing, I want to card Patrick Swayze’s character. This girl fresh out of high school. “That little girl is a child; I don’t want to see you sniffing around her anymore this afternoon!”

  14. Malicious_blu3 on


    I mean… Skyler from Breaking Bad wasn’t made out to be the villain but because she didn’t like what Walt was doing, audiences hated her.

  15. kitty_butthole on

    The Parent Trap. The parents just split up their kids and never saw the other one again? VILLAIN BEHAVIOUR.

    justice for Meredith.

  16. In Passengers Chris Pratt literally DOOMS Jennifer Lawrence and she’s mad at him sure but it’s supposed to be just a minor obstacle and we’re supposed to root for him because of TRUE LOVE. And I 100% believe in my soul irl Chris Pratt would do that.

  17. ![gif](giphy|QX1iLO3bsjHhdo0GaZ|downsized)

    Every man I know seems to think Jenny was a bad guy in Forest Gump when, in reality, she was one of the few characters that always loved Forest

  18. itsmegeorgialee on

    Skylar white. She just wanted a normal life with her family then her husband turns into a narcissistic drug lord so she had every right to react how she did 100%

  19. I loved Robin Williams character as a kid because that’s how my dad was. Always there for a fun time, always joking. Mom did all the work and ruined the fun by asking us to take out the trash and horribly abusive household chores like that.

    I grew up and watched the movie again with my wife.

    If his character spent half the time being an actual parent instead of dressing up… He would have had a normal custody arrangement.

    Fantastic movie that you don’t really appreciate until you’re older.

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